Nationwide Criminal Records Lookup

Find Criminal Records in Seconds! Get UNLIMITED access to court records, criminal records, divorce records, marriage records, birth and death records, business information, property records, background check, etc. by using the largest public record search database on the internet! Investigate anyone by simply using our search box below.

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Are You Looking for Criminal Records?

There are courts at the municipal, county, state, and federal level, each with its own set of criminal records. A county may be considered as a province or a specific region, and there are almost 3000 counties in the United States . Each and every county court maintains its own set of criminal records . Normally the cases held at the county level include misdemeanors and felonies that are not reported at the federal level.

Criminal background checks can be broadly divided into two types: criminal record checks and civil record checks. In a criminal record check, one can search through criminal court records, while in a civil record check one can search through criminal and civil court records.

Using online providers is a valuable time saver, because the procedure for obtaining a criminal record offline where you have to submit a request with every jurisdiction where the person has lived as an adult can be very time consuming and can take up to several weeks or even months.

What is included in the Criminal Background Record search?

  • Criminal Report
  • Arrest Records
  • Probation Records
  • Judgments, Liens, Bankruptcies
  • Lawsuits
  • Property Ownership
  • 30 Year Address History
  • Professional licenses
  • Marriage records
  • Asset search
  • And much more can help you quickly and discretely obtain all the necessary information you are looking for. Unlike other background search web sites, you will not have to release sensitive or private information.

In order to conduct a search using , all you need to do is enter the first and last name of your intended, along with the state in which they currently reside and the results will be displayed on your computer screen in a few seconds.

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