Nationwide Divorce Records Lookup

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Are You Looking for Divorce Records?

Until the nineteenth century, divorces were not common and were in fact considered illegal in some places. However, many countries began keeping vital records at the national level in the nineteenth century. Divorce records form part of vital records maintained by the civil authorities.

It wasn't long ago that Divorce records could be only found in the county where the divorce took place. Now those same records are all electronically stored in a large computer database.

Divorce records provide information on:

  • Spouse's namePlace and date of marriage
  • Age of husband and wife
  • Names and date of birth of children
  • Date and reason of divorce
  • Alimony paid
  • When and where the filings were made
  • Child custody
  • Property
  • Settlement issues is one of the largest record information providers available on the internet and with as little information as a First Name, Last Name and State, you will receive Divorce Records in seconds.

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