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Are You Looking for Death Records?

Death records are vital records which are the prime sources of genealogical information. A death record is a legal document which is signed by the attending physician and proves the date and cause of a person's death. These are maintained by civil authorities. Death records play an important role in genealogy research, because they can often provide details on family members.

Certified copies of death records have been made available since the year 1919. The vital records also include birth, death, marriage and divorce records. The death record usually contains the full name of the person, the date of birth, the date of death, and the county, state or town where the death took place. Death records often mention where the dead body is buried and specify the name of the person who reported the death. Sometimes death records may help people to find ancestors. Any relative of a deceased individual is defined as an heir. is one of the largest record information providers available on the internet and with as little information as a First Name, Last Name, City, Country and State; you will receive Death records in seconds.

All Death Records contain the following:

  • Full name of the person
  • Date of birth
  • Date of death
  • County, state or town where the death took place
  • Cause of death
  • The deceased occupation
  • Military service records
  • Names of family members (parents, siblings, spouses, heirs etc)
  • The person who reported the death
  • Ancestors of the deceased person

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